1 July 2020

Dear Music Revival Supporters,

Thank you to all who have donated to support our MUSIC REVIVAL ONLINE project.  A big thank you to Kevin Liddell of Big Beat productions for his support and sponsorship of the video and sound production over the last month.  https://www.bigbeat.co.za/

Kevin will unfortunately not be able to support us for much longer as he will be needing to focus his attention on his own business.  Please do donate to sustain our project as we will now be needing to purchase our own audio-visual setup in order  to continue the livestreams as you have come to enjoy them!   It is now apparent that a livestream link will continue as part of our production setup even once 'real' concerts are once again feasible.

Christopher Duigan  LIVESTREAM
Thursday 2 JULY  The Most Popular Classical Melodies 1
and Saturday 4 JULY  The Most Popular Classical Melodies 2
at 18h00

To access the LIVESTREAM CONCERT simply click on this link below at 5 minutes before 6:00 pm on Thursday or Saturday which will take you to Christopher's YouTube page:   https://www.youtube.com/c/ChristopherDuigan

Please remember if the YouTube link   is not working you will always be able to view it live at Vimeo and at my website. https://vimeo.com/christopherduigan
Connect to your TV via a HDMI cable, or media player, or use headphones for your smart phone or laptop to enjoy the full benefit of this quality presentation.

THIS WEEK LIVE - The Most Popular Classical Melodies 1 & 2  
This Thursday and Saturday I will be playing a selection of very popular classical melodies,  not usually heard in a solo piano concert! This will be including 'Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring', Handel's Largo,  Mozart Piano Concerto No 21 and a very popular Puccini aria!

On Saturday I will include more of the same but with a greater emphasis on popular, but original piano music, by Chopin, Handel, Liszt and Debussy.
This week's LIVESTREAMS are sessions No 28 and 29 on Thursday and Saturday at 18h00. 

A follow-up to recent images of Chopin and Schubert, the artist Hadi Karimi turns his attention to creating a 'photographic' re-imagination of Franz Liszt - see below! https://www.artstation.com/artwork/nYYE1e

We have added another new platform for quick and easy donation via QUICKET. Simply open your smartphone camera app,  point at the image below and follow the link!

Please make all EFT donations to MUSIC REVIVAL: NEDBANK  Acc: 1340436582 Hayfields Branch: 134025  Or visit our website page DONATE for additional links.

Best wishes and stay well!

Christopher Duigan